PDAL on Windows

Pete Gadomski April 21, 2017 [how-to] #pdal #windows

As much as I try to use free and open-source software for work, there are times when you have to bite the bullet and use Their Software. Right now my proprietary stack is:

While I'm working on replacing each component with a FOSS stack, we're not there yet. All three softwares are Windows-only, so I just got a Windows processing box for work. While I'm mostly going to be working in these proprietary GUIs on the 'doze box, I figure this is a good chance to up my personal Windows hacking chops and maybe sand off some Windows-specific edges for some software projects that I work on.

A good first step is PDAL. It's widely used, its developer base is mostly not Windows, but it is expected to be Windows-friendly. I also have a colleague who wants to develop his own Windows software that uses PDAL, and so I figured I'd try it myself and report back.

So let's get PDAL set up on a tabula rasa Windows box and build a small downstream dependency project.

Development dependencies

I'm working on Windows 10 Enterprise with a 64-bit processor. To get this party started, we need the following software:

You'll need to update your PATH to include the following (assuming you've installed OSGeo to the default path):

If you plan on installing PDAL to a location other than C:\Users\<youruser>\local, update those paths accordingly. The default CMake install location, C:\Program Files\PDAL, requires admin permissions to write, so it's often a good idea to pick a different install spot. Also add the environment variable GDAL_DATA and set its value to C:\OSGeo4W64\share\epsg_csv.


Open up Visual Studio, find the Team Explorer tab, and clone a new GitHub repo: https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL. If you accept the defaults, the code will be downloaded to Source\Repos\PDAL in your home directory.

Create a Visual Studio solution with CMake

Open CMake, and choose Source/Repos/PDAL as your source code directory and Source/Repos/PDAL/build as your build directory. Yes, I meant to type normal Unix slashes, the CMake GUI displays paths with Unix path separators. Click Configure. You'll be asked to create the build directory, then you'll be asked to specify the generator. Choose Visual Sudio 15 2017 Win64 (notice the Win64). Go on through, and make sure CMake configuration completes successfully. Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to C:/Users/<youruser>/local (or whatever value you picked when you set up your environment variables). Click Generate and you'll have a solution in Source/Repos/PDAL/build/.

Build PDAL with Visual Studio

Open or go back to Visual Studio and open Source\Repos\PDAL\build\PDAL.sln. Switch to the Solution Explorer, then build the ALL_BUILD target. If that completes successfully, build the INSTALL target.

Note: I usually like to run tests before I install, but the PDAL test suite is broken in Visual Studio at the moment.

Create and build a downstream project

A "downstream" is a project that depends on, in this case, PDAL. I've created a project pdal-downstream and added the following two files:

Following the same procedure as we did for PDAL, configure this project with CMake and build it in Visual Studio. That should create a file pdal-downstream\build\Debug\pdal-downstream.exe that you can run to report the installed PDAL version.


And that's it! As you can see, most of the hard work is PATH configuration and getting the correct software onto your system.

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