Dependency protection with pyproject.toml

Pete Gadomski May 10, 2023 [how-to] #python #github #github-actions

This is a follow up post to "Dependency protection with Python and Github actions", where I describe a relatively complex setup that uses setup.cfg and external requirement files to test against our minimum set of dependencies. With the rise of pyproject.toml as the standard way of specifying project metadata, and setuptools' support for the standard, we can simplify our CI system quite a bit. See the original post for background and the rationale on why we want to test against our minimum dependencies.

Project metadata

With pyproject.toml, our dependency definitions become a lot simpler:

name = "foo"
# --- 8< ---
dependencies = [

dev = [

Note that the core dependencies are all >=; this is very intentional, see the original post for more on that.

Utility script

In the original post, we defined our minimum requirements in a requirements-min.txt file, and we had a CI to assert that the requirements-min.txt was in-sync with the actual project dependencies. This was pretty clunky and fragile, not least because any dependabot updates had to be manually tweaked to update the value in requirements-min.txt. Now that we've defined all of our dependencies in pyproject.toml, we use a new script (I like it to live at scripts/install-min-requirements) that installs the minimum versions of those dependencies in whatever environment you're in:

import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path

from packaging.requirements import Requirement

assert sys.version_info[0] == 3
if sys.version_info[1] < 11:
    import tomli as toml
    import tomllib as toml

root = Path(__file__).parents[1]
with open(root / "pyproject.toml", "rb") as f:
    pyproject_toml = toml.load(f)
requirements = []
for install_requires in filter(
    (i.strip() for i in pyproject_toml["project"]["dependencies"]),
    requirement = Requirement(install_requires)
    assert len(requirement.specifier) == 1
    specifier = list(requirement.specifier)[0]
    assert specifier.operator == ">="
    install_requires = install_requires.replace(">=", "==")
    requirements.append(install_requires)["pip", "install", *requirements], check=True)

This depends on all core dependencies having a >= specifier, which they should.

Github actions

The CI action becomes a lot simpler:

name: min-versions
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
        python-version: 3.9
        cache: null
    - name: Install with dev requirements
    run: pip install .[dev]
    - name: Install minimum requirements
    run: ./scripts/install-min-requirements
    - name: Test
    run: pytest


To see all this in action, check out pystac-client, where we converted to this system in this PR.

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